Friends of North Shore Elementary

Considering North Shore Elementary?

We're happy to promote our local gem.


About Friends

Students at Crisp park.

Friends of North Shore Elementary (FNSE) was founded from sidewalk conversations in 2015. Neighbors with preschool aged children were asking themselves, “Why are families in one neighborhood attending over 10 different elementary schools instead of North Shore Elementary, our zoned school?” The interest in this idea was incredibly strong, and it was clear that many individuals wanted to support their neighborhood school. With the purpose to help bring positive focus and contribution to North Shore Elementary, FNSE incorporated as a non-profit in December 2015 and was established as a 501(c)(3) a few months later.

Headshot of speaker
Vicki and Lee Koenig Parents of a Kindergartener
Upon touring North Shore Elementary, we felt an immediate sense of community. This feels like a small school with a staff who knows and cares about all of the kids. Our son is in a class of 17 kids and his teacher has time for all of them. The faculty truly cares and supports all students. His fellow students are our neighbors - we see them out at the park and around town. He is not commuting to a distant school. We have been especially impressed by seeing teachers and other staff members from the car circle to after care address our son by name and ask how he is doing as he transitions from preschool to elementary school.

About North Shore

First established as Coffee Pot Elementary in 1927.

North Shore Elementary is a red brick school shaded by century-old oak trees, located at the north end of Coffee Pot Bayou in a quiet residential setting. It is rich in history and tradition but is also moving forward to prepare its students for the future. Come have a look at our neighborhood gem and meet the faculty and staff, schedule a tour, or learn about the family experience.


Get Involved

A North Shore Elementary Event

We would love to have you get engaged. There is something for everyone. Depending on your interest and availability there are a variety of ways to get involved with both North Shore Elementary and FNSE. We’re looking for people of all availabilities and skill levels, so if you think you may want to get involved, please keep reading. You can view a handful of volunteer options below, or click through for more details on papework, contact information, and so on. We look forward to hearing from you!

  • Front Office Support
  • One-on-One Tutoring
  • Lunch PAL Mentors
  • Lunchroom Support
  • Join a Committee
  • Attend Meetings
  • Fundraise
  • Connect Us
  • Host an Event


Am I zoned for North Shore? While the map overlay serves as a rough guide, you can check your exact address here to see if you're zoned for North Shore. Have additional questions? Head on over to our FAQ to learn more about the school, performance, teachers, events, tours and Friends of North Shore.